
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Child Labour.. A Social Evil..

One in these days I saw some child labourers, one was a house maid, the other one was a sweeper and the third one was doing a job of washing utensils and clothes in a restaurant. My heart brimmed with tears when I saw their condition. With a heavy heart when I asked them for why they didn't go to study, "Who will work and earn money for the livelihood of my family?" they said.

The ever increasing problem of child labour is not only cruelty against children but also a black spot on our nation's face. Though many countries boast of being superior from one another but in many of the developing countries like India, the problem of child labour is still prevalent.

People sell their children for money, they are treated as slaves. Population play a lead role in the rise of child labour. People should understand if giving birth to more children means more helping hands, it also means more mouths to feed. In large but illiterate families children are forced to work. They are badly exploited. They are given more and more work but are underpaid. Most of the times, the working conditions are hazardous which make them vulnerable to various health problems. Poor they are, their childhood which is the most happening phase of ones life is spent like this……

To control this problem, various measures should be strictly adopted not only by the government but also by the common man. The one who keeps a child as labourer should be strictly punished. Awareness programmes such as street plays or counselling of the poor and illiterate may contribute further.

“All the problems of the world - child labor, corruption - are symptoms of a spiritual disease: lack of compassion.”

I think most of us feel the same... Please make others also feel this and control child labour... Today the power lie in our hands, it is just we have to seek the right way to use it…

The Right To Information Act...

One in these days I was reading about one of the most recent and important right of the citizens of India i.e. The Right To Information Act.
A common man, while dealing with Government departments was facing with problems such as cumbersome process, faulty procedure, mismanagement of records, uneasiness even in paying govt taxes to the govt.With a view to bring transparency in the functioning, to create a sense of responsibility amongst the govt. officials right from grass root level up to the top decision making level, to uproot the corruption ,THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, is in force, which is likely to be proved a very useful tool in the hands of citizens to get their grievances against the govt. redressed , in a time bound manner.Now citizens are enjoying the fruits of real democracy, by asking the questions from any government organisation easily and more frequently, for which the citizens were dependent on our elected representatives. Any type of information which the govt. or govt. funded/controlled institutions are supposed to have can be demanded by any citizen from anywhere in the country, without disclosing any reason for seeking the information.

As A Social Audit!
The queries, under this act, may bring in the lime light, the acts of omissions and commissions, including cases of harassment, inaction, undue favour, corruption, abuse of power by the officials of govt.Therefore, this way it works as a SOCIAL AUDIT. It facilitates the well informed citizen to live with dignity and contentment.
Towards A Negative Aspect!
Since, the citizens have the freedom to ask any query from the govt. and its respective funded or supported organisations, many times people misuse this right. Just for small inquiries many kinds of confidential secrets are driven out which leads to many undesirable events.Moreover, it becomes very inconvenient for the govt. organisations to take out and give away such important documents and informative history of that particular body.