First of all its a BIG SORRY to all my dear readers.... For not updating it...
But right now I m really very happy.....
A long and a difficult time of my life is finally left behind....
And now i realise that this period which i called very difficult has given me a lot to learn...
I can now understand that FORGIVING is really important...We should return LOVE against HATRED.... Because WE love ourselves even after doing many mistakes, then how can we hate others for their one mistake??Seems Strange but True...
And now its time to just be happy and keep smiling all the time....
Some people are responsible for making one's life beautiful...Similarly, even my life has certain people who have become so important to me that now my life seems to be incomplete without them....Some people are actually very special in one's life and their presence becomes inevitable....This is a message for the ones I really love and Thank from the bottom of my heart for making me smile all the time....
Being SINGLE is always fun, no worries. no misery, no pain..... but what if we have some worries, pain and misery?? What if we are in a situation where we feel like having SOMEONE who give their shoulders for when you are crying... Someone who looks at you and says"You look beautiful today".... SOMEONE to hold your hands in theirs and say"I am here with you always"....SOMEONE who hugs you tightly and says"Miss you.. take care" ; And that SOMEONE is the one who loves u you a lot and say these golden words " I love you" ............ Then why do people say being SINGLE is fun?
So, even if you don't love anyone, at least let SOMEONE love you!
And..Last but not the least ...
Every test in our life makes us BETTER / BITTER.
Every problem comes to MAKE US / BREAK US.
Choice is Ours whether we become VICTOR / VICTIM.

Take care and have a great time....
Source: Messages(SMS) from my friends..